Application Page
Join The Community Of Great BUites

A Place to Belong
Honorary Degrees
Applications and nominations for Two Honorary Degrees.
The Hon. Doctorate Degrees - Awarded for significant and extraordinary contributions or service to society, the University, community and Church as a whole; or, to a profession or discipline concerned with service to the Lord and humanity. It is important that recipients be committed Christians and persons of great integrity, as the choices we make reflect our values as an institution.
It is not possible for honorary degrees and awards to be conferred in absentia.

Payments for application forms must be made directly into the University bank accounts.
After Payments for Application Forms
You will need to provide the evidence of payment to us. This will allow us to share a form link through a chat or email message, where you can click on the link, fill out the online application form and submit.
Further information will be communicated via the email address and phone number supplied when filling the online application form.
Bank Accounts Details
Bank: FCMB
Name: Biblical University and College of Ministry & Seminary
Branch: Ikorodu
No: 5217882013
Bank: FCMB
Name: Association for Christian Higher Education and Theological Schools
No: 7343736013
Name: Biblical University
No: 1017359406
Fees, Charges and Non refund policy
Students have no right to retrieve the already paid fees and other charges. Biblical University reserves the right to change and implement new fees without prior notice. Fees and other charges are non-refundable.